A slow travel guide for couples in Marrakech

Marrakech, with its enchanting blend of romance and adventure, offers the perfect backdrop for creating cherished memories together. Stroll hand-in-hand through the bustling souks, marvel at the intricate details of the Bahia Palace, and lose yourselves in the serene beauty of the Majorelle Garden. This guide provides you with the best tips on romantic accommodations, intimate dining spots, and must-see attractions tailored for couples.

Whether you’re exploring the historic Medina, sharing a traditional Moroccan meal, or enjoying a sunset view from a rooftop terrace, Marrakech is a city that promises to ignite your passion and deepen your connection. Embark on your romantic adventure and let the magic of this Moroccan gem enhance your love story.

How do you define slow travel?

In my opinion, slow travel means “slamming the brakes” on your busy, everyday life and taking a second to breathe and relax, while fully immersing yourself into nature. It means going for a hike in nature, reading a book in the sun, waking up to the sound of birds chirping, cooking your own meals, enjoying a cup of coffee while listening to the wind rustle in the leaves. It means to stop, and appreciate the sophistication of simplicity.

What would you say to someone thinking to visit Marrakech for the first time?

For most people, visiting Marrakech for the first time can feel quite overwhelming as it is so different from pretty much everywhere else in the World. The most important thing is to keep an open mind and fully embrace the culture, the food, the experience and the amazingly kind people. Marrakech is among my favourites from every place I’ve visited, and I would absolutely recommend it to everyone!

How did you feel? Would you say it’s safe to visit?

I’ve visited Marrakech twice with my partner, and we have aIways felt incredibly safe. Everyone is so friendly and always willing to help. The only thing I would advise against is to wander around the souks at night, as it is quite dark and empty and you can easily get lost.

How long should they stay?

I would recommend staying for at least 5 days. This should allow you to experience at least the main things Marrakech has to offer, without having to constantly rush from one place to another – any less and you will find yourself needing a holiday from your holiday!

What would be the best time to visit ?

Weather-wise, I would recommend going around Spring/Autumn as it is not too hot, nor too cold. On the other hand, since these are considered “high-season” in Marrakech, not only will things – especially accommodation – be more expensive, but chances are you will find yourself swimming in a sea of tourists. You could potentially strike a balance by aiming for the last weeks of Winter / Summer, but it can be quite a gamble on weather!

What do you look for before planning a trip?

When planning a trip, I start by looking for the best and most unique places that will allow me to embrace a slow-living lifestyle. For Morocco, specifically, I decided to limit my search to riads only. Once I lock-in the accommodation, I proceed to do some research on potential restaurants, activities and places to visit nearby.

What would be some of your travel tips inc what to pack and what to wear?

Travelling to Marrakech can be a completely different experience depending on the time of the year when you visit.

During colder months (October to March), I would bring a mix of fresh garments to wear during the day (even if the temperature is not high, it can get quite hot in the sun!) and some warmer clothes for the evenings.

If visiting during the warmer months (April to September) I would focus mainly on comfortable, fresh and loose pieces of clothing made from light materials like linen and cotton. Ideally, you should go for white / light colours, as darker items will make your experience borderline unbearable. In any case, be careful when wearing long bottoms while walking in the souks, as they can easily get stained (dirt, water splashes, etc.). It doesn’t really hurt to include one or two warmer pieces for the evening, as the weather can still be slightly unreliable during these months (temperature drops, wind, etc.). Finally, make sure to also bring some swimwear: despite Marrakech not having an ocean, most places do have at least a little pool / spa where you can refresh yourself during the day – and believe me, you don’t want to miss out on that because you didn’t come prepared!

Regardless of when you visit, you should always make sure to pack 50+ SPF sunblock (as the UV rays can get very strong, even during winter) and – especially for the ladies – conditioner / hair mask (most hotels / riads don’t have it and it is quite important to apply it on holiday after long periods in the sun, otherwise your hair can really dry out).

What did you enjoy the most?

I enjoyed experiencing the different types of riads, and especially getting to know the staff and people there. Moroccan people are genuinely the kindest I have ever met – always smiling and happy to help!

What was the food, weather like?

Food in Marrakech is quite incredible! Among many things, Marrakech is known for its spice markets, and these spices are definitely the heart and soul of Moroccan cuisine. If you’re looking forward to experiencing some local dishes, I would recommend trying the tagine (traditional Moroccan stew) and pastilla (traditional Moroccan pastry) – vegetarian options are usually available. If you would rather go for something else, there are countless options across all cuisines so you will have absolutely no problem finding what you want! Some of my favourites include Otto, La Trattoria and Plus61.

Regarding the weather, it really depends on the season you go in. The Summer months can be excruciatingly hot, especially if you’re planning to visit the desert. The Winter months – on the other hand – can be quite cold, and the days are considerably shorter. I would recommend going around Spring/Autumn for a good balance.

What were the top five/ten things that you would say are on the must see list whilst in Marrakech?

  • Al Bacha Coffee
  • Badii Palace
  • Jardin Majorelle
  • Ben Youssef Madrassa
  • All the souks

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